Jonas Convo

BIG THANKS TO @LivingNickJ for allowing me take your tweets as my source!
you're like the best Jonas Head!

"I didn't want to sing but when Nick was singing , he got a lot of attention from the ladies so I was like.Yeah .. nevermind." - Joe Jonas

Kevin: Joe's nickname is Danger. It just is. Everything he does is danger.

Kevin: Nick's not actually shy or quiet. He just chooses his words wisely.

Joe: Every fan is special to us. I might not remember names, but I remember their faces and how awesome they are.

Nick: Joe might be the one to dye is hair a crazy color, maybe even Kevin, but not me. -You are the classy and blessed one. We know Nicholas

Kevin: (While filming "Camp Rock.") Nick played music on his iPod dock and we had a dance party with the whole cast!

Joe: The fans are our best friends

Nick: I love how passionate our fans are. they want to know everything about us--which is funny because we're not that interesting.

Kevin: We know the bloggers are watching, so we have to be careful and not do anything stupid.

Kevin describes the band's music as, "Something that grabs your attention right away."

Their first song came from Nick's journal.

The name of their tour bus is Bertha.

Interviewer: Whats something that you spend way too much money on ? | Joe: Girls.

"If I smile, it's only for my fans." - Nick Jonas

Kevin's favorite thing about himself is his hair.

Kevin's biggest fear is disappointing the people that he cares about.

Joe: The sweetest thing is singing to your crush over the phone.

Joe: Kevin knows what to do when it comes to girls.

Joe: I'm not shy about letting someone know I'm into her.

Nick wrote the song "Still In Love With You" after a breakup.

Joe says if he could interview any celebrity, it would be Natalie Portman.

Joe drinks tea right before he hits the stage.

Joe Jonas is a huge fan of the actor Daniel Craig and got to meet him at the help for Haiti telethon.

The Jonas Brothers have performed at the White House twice.

They've released all of their first three albums in August.

Nick says having diabetes hard sometimes when he's on the road.

Nick: I know that true love is definitely out there.

Nick: I wouldn't date a girl with a bad attitude. I'm "Mr. Positive."

Nick: My favorite sneakers are a nice pair of Converse. They're always good.

Nick keeps his closet surprisingly clean.

"I don't like it when a girl is constantly complaining about how she looks." -Kevin Jonas

Joe:Kevin has Starbucks radar in his head.We'll be on the road &he'll be like,"two miles Starbucks" He can smell it &every time he is right.

"Kevin can get really into his guitar, but there is nothing bad about him." -Nicholas Jonas

Joe: I've never been angry in my entire life. The only thing that makes me angry is people videorecording me.Making me mad. NOW TURN IT OFF!

Sometimes, something beautiful can come out of a tough situation. - Nick Jonas

Kevin's favorite foreign country is Indonesia.

just wait for another convo, you can leave comments here :)

THANK YOU @LivingNickJ